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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

the last dark moon

Today is the last dark moon before Winter Solstice. Tomorrow on the new moon MST (where I live), new plans, projects, and ideas will be set into motion. On this dark moon though, I'm still letting go with my whole being -- of everything I can. I even wrote myself a pep talk this morning because it's crystal clear that the enjoyment of life is affected by what a person carries around day in and day out. And some serious shedding seems to be in order.

We will be eleven at the table tomorrow -- twelve if I count the new soul due to arrive any minute. We'll gather for a meal made by all of us and shared with love, in deepest gratitude. 

Happy weekending. xo


  1. Wishing you and yours a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Have a joy filled day! Are your place cards little comics? Cute!

  3. Jeannie, thank you -- I wish you and yours the very same! xo

  4. Thank you, Nancy, and the same to you! Yes, my daughter made them 2 years ago, we're recycling this year -- they're turkey comics she found online and printed out on cardstock. xo

  5. Wishing you a wonderful

  6. Thank you, Trish -- we had a great time. Now it's the day after, a big shopping day here, but I, for one, am going to stay home and lounge the day away. ;-) xo

  7. Happy belated Thanksgiving...
    So happy you had a great time :)
    Many blessings to you and your family.

  8. HI Marie, happy belated to you and your houseful, too! xo
