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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

green vases

The day has come. The weatherwoman says so. Today is the eve of the first light frost. The difference between a light frost and a hard freeze is a matter of seven degrees Fahrenheit and then how long the temperature is sustained. A light frost is below 32 F and a hard freeze is below 25 F for at least four hours.

With the moon also waning, this is a good day for the third Fate's work as the Cutter -- gathering the rest of the green tomatoes, collecting herbs, and cutting bouquets of flowers. This is about the only time we have an abundance of flowers in the house. I love old-fashioned green vases. Since florists have turned to painted glass, they're hard to find.


  1. i love flowers. hope we see a bit of frost here this winter.

  2. Deanna, my sister who lives near Tyler said she wore a jacket outside today!! Must be cooling down there a little. What a summer Texans had.

  3. yes. it was cooler today. in the 60s and very windy. not anywhere near a frost though.

  4. No frost yet, but cold enough! So cheerful, your flowers.

  5. Hi Deb, well now they went and changed the forecast, so we'll see what happens tonight! You know how that goes.

  6. I had a beautiful green vase, etched glass, as a child. It belonged to a great aunt and I loved it. I was so sad when it broke. Your beautiful vases remind me of how much I like green vases too! And I love your cheerful flowers :)

  7. I grew up in Texas and to have a bit of cool weather down there is somthin' yall lol!
    We have had cool weather here but no frost yet.
    Your flowers are lovely and so are the green vases.
    Happy gathering : )

  8. I love your beautiful green vases (with a painters eye). I look at them and imagine a painting.

    I recently bought an old amber glass vase at a charity shop, I love how the light plays with coloured glass.

    29 degrees celcius here today...beautiful spring day.

    Beautiful (and informative) post.

    Jacky xox

  9. I rather like green vases

  10. i'd forgotten about those green vases of the past. they're so pretty. now we always get clear from the florists. i suppose that's practical, but that green....

  11. Nancy, maybe you'll find one someday like the one that broke. There's just something about light coming through green glass....

  12. Marie, we had ourselves a light frost after all. Many things are officially done, like basil, tomatoes, tender flowers. Enjoy it while it lasts!

    And didn't it just snow in TX this last winter, too? Crazy weather.

  13. Jacky, thank you -- I bet your "new" vase is lovely. May you have many beautiful spring flowers to fill it -- and I hope you show it on your blog!

  14. Trish, it doesn't surprise me that you like green!! I wonder why...smiles.

  15. Jude, same -- I look for it every time I go to Goodwill. 49 cents a pop if I can find one...

  16. Cindy, funny how that snuck up on us. I kept only one of my own from the 80's. Now I'm out looking for other people's!
