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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

green tomato moon

Today's Aries full moon has officially been christened green tomato moon. I've never had so many green tomatoes before. I adore their color. Lately, I've been looking for ways to eat them that I adore, too.

Half of tonight's full moon feast is in this basket. I once heard at a garden lecture that, traditionally, green tomatoes were cooked and reds were eaten raw, or very lightly cooked. Going along with that idea, I'm going to bake these with basil, thyme, and some other seasonings until they are melted down.

Fingers crossed. A beautiful full moon day to you. xo


  1. Green tomatoes also make my very favorite chutney, if you've a taste for that.

  2. I wondered about the title of that film oddly enough.......
    Fried Green Tomatoes! So you can fry them up green well........must try that, I will end up with afew Im sure.
    Ive made and eaten so much tomatoe soup this past month..........I cant face another bowl of it lol
    My dad used to make green tomatoe chutney with his leftover green toms and it was tasty I recall.

  3. I have had fried green tomatoes a few times and really enjoyed them!
    Come to think of it...I have actually made them long ago.

    Happy full moon day to you too<3

  4. Happy full moon Peggy and enjoy green tomato moon - hugs Nat

  5. Michele, I've never tasted it but I'll check it out, thanks!

  6. Lyn, that's wonderful that you were able to make so much tomato soup! I'm not really into making the fried green tomatoes because they require flour or some sort of breading and I try to stay away from grains. They were actually pretty good just baked with herbs, etc. and melted cheese.

  7. Marie, if they didn't require flour or breading, I'd maybe fry some up. I think I made them a long time ago, too, probably when the book came out!!

  8. Nat, hope you had a happy full moon, too!

  9. I like the sound of will have to let us know how your cooking goes.
    My mum used to love green tomato chutney too!
    Cloud here tonight, but the full moon looks beautiful behind a foggy gauze.

    Jacky xox

  10. I named my moon Rainbow Shadow Moon, as both Tuesday and Wednesday clouds drifted over. Tuesday night there was a rainbow over the moon as it started to rain!

  11. Jacky, green tomato chutney must be good stuff! I've just never tasted it for some reason...the baked tomatoes came out pretty well -- my husband loved them because they retained a bit tartness. I'm going to do some more experimenting. The moon must've been beautiful, I love your description of the clouds, foggy how can we do that in cloth?

  12. Jo, wow, a rainbow over the moon must've been beautiful. Rainbow shadow moon, I like that, the light and the dark...

  13. Peggy I didnt use the flour or gunk to 'batter' the toms at all. I simply sauteed the slices, in with slivers of turkey and sultanas too.More of a stir fry in a way.
    And it was surprisingly tasty lol and Ive gathered more toms to do it all again this week!

  14. Lyn, thanks, I'm going to be trying this! And I just bought a small package of Werthers for you-know-what.
