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Monday, September 26, 2011

moondala moonday

Time is passing. It won't be long now before things change drastically in the garden as we are in the last days of this growing season. A flower's life cycle is a constant reminder of the passage of time. Seed to foliage to bloom to seed. I made a flower mandala -- surprisingly it stayed in place for nearly a week before totally drying up. And then I swept it away.

Today is a Virgo dark moonday. We are approaching the last dark moments of this moon cycle before the birth of a new moon in Libra tomorrow. This dark time is very special. I read somewhere that flying dreams can be more prevalent and irrational perceptions may be even more pronounced now than at the full moon. Trust them, they might just be your insight and recognition at work. And for anyone who's felt like they've been spinning their wheels, now is when you'll find a space to stop and rest. 

Most of this day will still be under the Virgo moon that rules digestion, but later today the moon enters the sign of Libra. Libra rules the health of the kidneys, hips, and bladder so I am reminded to pay attention to my water and salt intake. Sometimes the earliest twangs of bladder complaints can be washed away by simply stepping it up on water.

Garden and yard clean-up is strenuous work. I'm thinking I'll avoid the big stuff today and maybe even make another flower moondala.



  1. Such a beautiful moondala! (Or would that be womoondala?) Perhaps with the dark moon in Virgo, this is a good time to burn all the lists --

  2. Jo, oh yeah, it's a perfect time to let them go! And since the first and last day are always in the same sign, it's even more perfect. Thanks...xo

  3. Lovely Peggy both the moondala and the write up on Virgo dark moonday. I'm Virgo and I'm looking forward to the change. Thanks always for your wisdom - hugs Nat

  4. Peggy- What a beautiful flower moondala you have sown! So cheerful :)

  5. Wow, the "moondala" is beautiful!
    Just beautiful.

    I was told to set my intentions today because it would be a good day with the New Moon. Also my friend said don't get carried away with setting a long list, just 2-3 intentions.

    I feel the change coming rapidly. (the season changing over.)

  6. Oh that is just beautiful... I had a really long list for the garden this weekend that I didn't get to. :)

  7. Hi Nat, thanks for the nice comment. I remember that you're a Virgo -- I really wish I had more Virgo qualities!

  8. Nancy, thank you! It's hard to believe we're nearly into October and so many plants are still blooming. Sort of weird, actually!

  9. Thank you, Marie -- and yes, now's the time to make wishes and set intentions -- happy new moon to you! And maybe it's easier to "focus" on just a few things, rather than dozens....

  10. Thanks, Deb! I never get done everything I plan to do in the garden either...!

  11. To Els, maker of such beautiful mandalas, thank you!
