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Monday, August 8, 2011

going forward moonday

I'm attempting to keep an open mind as I go forward.

Cutting squares, sewing squares together, cutting more squares. I don't know how large these will grow but if I'm going forward with an open mind, that's not something I need to know at this time, right?

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of fiery Sagittarius. Some people feel restless during this time because both focus and control can be evasive. I'm liking it very much because it gives me permission to not focus and not control all the minutiae in my life right now! To simply go forward, however and wherever.

Sagittarius rules the health of the thighs, the part of our legs where three strong muscle sets carry us forward, help us to run, to crouch and jump, and to balance. I love the sensation of having strong legs. Many young women have issues with the appearance of their thighs -- I remember the derogatory labels used when I was young -- thunder thighs, saddlebags, and tree trunks for starters. And young men probably suffered the reverse. As I write this, I now wonder if some of the health problems we have later in life are partially the result of a lifetime of carrying burdensome unconscious thoughts about ourselves.

We can replace them. I have strong, powerful thighs to carry me forward. Yes!


  1. you always choose such beautiful colors to work with. i know it will be magnificent. like how you added those bits to the quadrant.
    thighs---yes. always a BIG problem for me. i always thought it strange that in some parts of the world BIG was more appealing. don't worry about that anymore. it's all so meaningless in the scheme of things.

  2. Thank you, Deanna--those little bits were what motivated me to move on to the 9-squares--now I'm wondering if there's a place for some hexies...

  3. Yes, like Deanna said...the colors and those little squares...and thighs-oy!

  4. I love those little squares, such fresh colours!
    I was always told I had good child bearing hips...and they were!!!!

    Jacky xox

  5. You are so right about those unconscious thoughts! But how to find out what they are to put them right? Any ideas please.
    Much love.
    Beautiful fabric by the way.

  6. and what about the burdensome conscious thoughts? things to think about here. and beautiful cloth colors to look at.

  7. Thank you, Nancy, and now I'll probably always associate those squares with thighs! ha.

  8. Jacky, I know what you mean -- we need STRONG woman-bodies to carry our woman-power! And thanks!

  9. Trish, thank you. I think that realizing that we even have/had unkind thoughts towards ourselves is the best first step. Sometimes I catch myself and then I think that I would never say such-and-such to another person, so how can I possibly say it to myself? We are so hard on ourselves, aren't we?

  10. Cindy, sometimes the mind is just generally unkind! It ain't easy, as Linda Ronstad says. But as long as we recognize we're doing it, I think we can forgive ourselves, too.
