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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

out of the dye-pot: lupine & clematis

A dye bundle unrolling is like a movie curtain opening. Remember when movie theaters had curtains?

This silk shantung bundle of lupine and clematis with vinegar mordant did not disappoint. This morning when I opened the sealed plastic bag it was in, I could've sworn there was a dead fish in there. But no, just a little mold and some slime. And some pretty wonderful cloth!


  1. oh a wonderful result. i think i need to go outside and pick some flowers and make a bundle. you got me motivated.

  2. Did you jst put it i nto plastic bag or did you boil/steam it first and then put in bag for while? It is beautifungxxlyndalx. Just off to open another bundle and see what magic has exciti

  3. A dye bundle unrolling is like christmas to me so i make myself a christmas each day.
    Like your dead fish.......

  4. Martine, oh I like that -- Christmas everyday!
