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Thursday, July 28, 2011

out of the dye-pot: beets

After I started this beet dye project, I saw early on that the deep reddish-purple of the beets was turning golden-brown. Someone warned me about this, but I didn't get it out in time to save the red. Nonetheless, it turned out OK and I learned something.

The string that wrapped the bundle transferred over nicely -- reminds me of the symbol for Virgo. Wouldn't it be fun to do a series of zodiac symbols with string-on-cloth?


  1. um interesting thought......waiting to see what you come up with!x

  2. just realised my blog address was wrong on last entryx.lynda

  3. interesting the way that thread printed right on the cloth. i've dyed with the beet juice and got a light pink color but haven't died with the beets or it's leaves.

  4. I would never have spotted that Virgo!!! lol

  5. Interesting! I haven't dye with beet, will remember that. Yes I can see Virgo sign in there because I'm Virgo! Hugs Nat

  6. Lynda, well I'm thinking about it but you know how that goes!! ha.

  7. Deanna, well that may be key to getting the nice pink -- using beet juice instead of plant and root material. The string could probably be used a few more times, it doesn't look faded at all.

  8. Lyn, well you do have to stretch a little to see it in there. :)

  9. Nat, you're a Virgo! That's why you get SO MUCH done! It's all making sense now...yes, indeed...

  10. Well I just love that string transfer!

  11. Nancy -- that's my favorite part, too!
