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Monday, July 25, 2011

messy moonday

A hot mess. I realized I hadn't even trimmed my seams yet.

I notice there are (most of) 13 moons on this little section. And that is significant for me, really like that.

Today is a waning moonday in Gemini. Gemini, being an air sign and all, seems to blow us here and there and everywhere. We throw caution to the winds now but don't seem to go very deep because we're flitting around so much. Make phone calls or meet with friends to catch up -- it's a talky kind of time and we can have a lot of fun with the extroverted energy of a Gemini moon. I've already struggled today with focus --when I tried to read a little, what was it about? A section on wind. Even the house feels scattered and messy and the dogs shedding only adds to the sense of being out.of.control.

Gemini influences the health of our shoulders, arms and hands. Sometimes we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders -- this is a powerful time for massage or other treatments, and letting go mentally of those things we need not bear any longer.

I say just surrender and enjoy it!


  1. love seeing your moons close up. can't wait to see more. haven't been able to enjoy much today. it was 105 degrees today and the same is predicted for tomorrow. that makes 41 days in a row of over 100 and no rain. i don't even have a desire for food. and i have a/c. imagine the people who don't.

  2. "Gemini influences the health of our shoulders, arms and hands"

    Well that explains why my arthritic hands are killing me today! And here I thought it was because we had rain all day. Yesterday it was 80 and today rain all day. But towards the end of the week it's supposed to be nice again for a couple of days. So tell me, what's going to hurt next week-end??? My daughter and baby granddaughter are coming to visit for a week- Saturday to Saturday. Will I be able to run hither and yon with them?????

    ;-) debi xx

  3. Thanks for all of those words of wisdom about the gemini I know why I am feeling dishevelled and my neck and shoulders have been more tense than normal!
    The 13 moons look wonderful (love the number 13). Beautiful little cloth.

    Jacky xox

  4. There was wind here yesterday...

  5. I like the number 13 too! Love the big moon too!

  6. Deanna, thanks. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize it was that much of a heatwave! Hang in there -- on the bright side, you'll probably get a lot of sewing done staying inside your AC'd house!

  7. Debi! I know you're joking but just FYI!! Starting next Saturday: Leo (heart, circulation, love, appreciating, reaching out, celebrating), Virgo (digestion, weeding out, caring for, studying, healing), Libra (hips, kidneys, bladder, creating, beautifying, balancing, fairness) and ending with Scorpio (urinary, sexual organs, curiosity, investigating, digging deep, and loving). Have a fantastic visit with them!

  8. Jacky, thank you! It's pretty interesting to feel an ache come and go along with a ruling planet. Somehow makes it easier to bear, I think!!

  9. Deb, I hope it brings in some rain east and south of you!!

  10. Thanks, Marie -- at one point I was planning a 13-moon quilt but changed my mind -- guess this piece will be the 13-moon square of the flying dreams quilt!

  11. I love what youve done with all the moons! It would never have occured to me to do them that way, individually!
    And bless them bees!

  12. Lyn, oh those moons. All thanks to you! What a skirt that was. I was just touching the coordinating fabrics that you sent today -- and thinking hmmmmm!
