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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a knitted camera case

My new knitted camera case. It could be used for lots of things although it really is such a nice, soft holder for my camera. Funny, I thought I could take a photo showing the camera partially inside it. But I only have the one camera!

This vintage red button won the button contest.

And these were neck and neck with it until the very end.

The pattern by Mielie is only on the label, not on-line. But if you buy this t-shirt yarn, you'll get the pattern and support a company that employs over 50 people, mostly women, in Cape Town, South Africa.


  1. Nice. I need something like that for a phone case.

  2. Thanks, Cindy -- it's easy to knit up, actually went too fast, was done before I wanted to be!

  3. nice case. i made a cloth one and made it a tad too small. maybe i'll knit one after seeing yours.

  4. Deanna, thanks -- the good thing about this is it's also sort of stretchy as well as cushy!

  5. Very cute caddy! I love the yarn as well and how wonderful to support that company with the good cause - Hugs Nat

  6. Nat, thanks -- on top of it all, it was very fun to make. Hope to check out some of their other patterns for this great t-shirt yarn!

  7. If you knitted several in christmassy colours, then stitched them together you could have a natty advent calender!

  8. OK, Lyn, you've got me thinking here. If you used a finer yarn to make tiny cases, they could be darling. Really. Thanks!

  9. Cute case for sure! Love your button choices. I made one out of warm-n-natural batting, stitched together with purple floss - in a blanket stitch.
    It doesn't fasten shut, because I made it to fit into the actual case itself, my purse or my pocket. It's just to protect it a bit, kinda like the ones the camera comes with.
