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Monday, May 23, 2011

moonday grounding

The word of the day is "ground" -- I'm thinking of backgrounds and groundcovers and grounding . . .

~background possibilities for the little lunar long cloth, inspired by a spiritcloth class.
~groundcovers for some moonscape-like areas in our yard.
~grounding or earthing by walking barefoot on the Earth.

Today is a waning moonday in the airy sign of Aquarius. An Aquarius moon is a time when both communication and community seem to pull us outward and we want to think of what's best for the whole rather than just ourselves. This third quarter of the moon's cycle enables us to more easily recognize what it is we need to release or let die and then do it. There's always stuff to let go of (on all levels) -- remember that saying, if you don't work on your stuff, your stuff will work on you. I'm good at taking things in, but not so much at letting them go (on all levels)!

Aquarius rules the ankle and the lower leg and its color is blue, the same as Monday's color. Blue is associated with creating calm and relieving cramping -- if I had night-time leg cramps, I think I'd try draping a blue cloth or sheet over my legs at night or wear blue pajama pants -- all the more effective under the sign of Aquarius.

Blue bits and pieces are spread all over my house right now from blue moons to cut-up blue linen shirts. There's enough blue around here to calm a small village.


  1. i just love what you did in this little weaving. the yellow sun with the stitching below--a sunset.

  2. Thanks, Deanna -- something finally came together after quite a long incubation time!

  3. This is really striking and that larger moon simply delightful and still the nicest moon Ive seen yet.
    Maybe you should have little foot prints walking over part of this cloth, or up and down the sides grounding it even more! its just lovely

  4. Thank you, Lyn, you know I hadn't thought about doing something on the borders but that might be an idea -- stars & footprints both, star walking, star steps, ? You've given me something to think on!

  5. i love your moon so much
    and a starwalking border .... ~?~

  6. Grace! Thanks -- we'll see if the stars come out to light the way . . . ?

  7. I tried to leave a post telling you how much I loved the moon(s). Looks like many phases and the big moon looks like a reflection of the moon in water or sound waves passing across it. :)

  8. p.s. blogger was being stubborn early this morning...that is why I could not leave a post. :/

  9. Marie! I have trouble with blogger sometimes, too -- thanks about the moons. You're right, it does look like ripples of water or air or sound, whichever seems right at the time!

  10. this moon piece is such a great combination of things-beautiful fabrics, weavings, appliques- especially love the blue moon lower left...lunar long cloth-love it....and a love for blue-my oldest's middle name.

  11. Thank you, Cindy! Yes, it is sort of a coming together of a lot of the techniques we've all been playing with -- tonight I almost added another square to the bottom to make it even longer but am going to think about it.

    Blue is a COOL name -- didn't you have another unusual middle name for one of your kids?

  12. yep. the other one's moon. they're my blue moon.

  13. Cindy, that's so cool I can hardly stand it!!!

  14. this is so lovely! i'm always sad when i realize that i've been away from your blog for too long...but happy, happy, happy when i dive back it!

  15. Awww, Joe, that's nice of you to say, thank you! xo
