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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a clivia bouquet

A friend called me a while back and asked if I wanted a piece of a plant they had. A clivia plant (pronounced CLI vee yah, first syllable rhyming with "eye"). I didn't and still don't know much about it but I said yes and I've had it for three blooms now -- it blooms once a year. Every year has been a month later, I think it's setting its circadian rhythm! I know of people who do this, why not a plant?

It presents a single bouquet of beautiful, lightly fragrant flowers once a year. The first year was in February, the second in March and this year, April. This plant asks for nothing other than to be watered about every 7-10 days and to live by a glass block north-facing window with low light.

Ahem. Now for the measurements. The bouquet stalk of flowers is 19" tall, over 9" wide, and each flower is 3" across.

I am toying with the idea of asking for some of its flowers for the dye-pot. Maybe just one. And a leaf blade, too, please. And 13 months from now, next May when it blooms, I might ask for a flower to make a flower essence.

It is one amazing plant. My advice is if someone calls you and asks if you want a piece of a plant, say yes.


  1. Its beautiful Peggy. And I agree; never turn down a fine wine or a fine flower.

  2. Thanks, Cindy -- and I'm still waiting on the wine part!

  3. Well, feel free to come up here for a glass of wine anytime!

  4. Beautiful color, I wonder if it would be happy in Florida?

  5. Jo -- of course -- it will love it there! What plant doesn't? ha.

  6. Peggy, Paula S from HSA and Tropical Plant Society is very knowledgeable on clivia. I'm sure she could answer any questions you have. It is a beautiful flower.

  7. P.S. And of course I noticed the leaves of the Lady Plymouth scented geranium in the picture too!

  8. Mark, thanks, that's good to know -- and, yes, you got it right on the geranium!
