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Thursday, March 3, 2011

zakka pillow

A while back, I flipped through Zakka Sewing by Therese Laskey + Chika Mori. I was looking for unusual stitches and saw a few. But I put the book away because I was working on boro-ing the jeans at the time and decided I better stick with basics.

I wove this last weekend.

A couple days ago, a bell started clanging in my head: it has the vibe of Zakka Sewing! The point is, be careful what you put in your head. It'll come back out somehow . . .

Composed of one red cotton shirt, one beige shirt, some remnants, dyed silk, green silk, and linen calendar pieces. So far, that is.


  1. love this. i like the little calendar inserts.

  2. (salo) I have an ols stained cloth calendar that I don't want to part with but don't it the way it is. hhmmm maybe I'll cut it and weave with it. ..I like the looks of it scatterred in this pillow.

  3. Deanna -- thanks. They make it all neat and tidy!

  4. Helen, take a look at Marie's blog at Ancient Cloth, she's doing a cool project with it, too. It's in the air lately! I always have my eyes out for them but this is the first time I've actually cut into one. Like I told Marie, I felt bad doing it, but it only lasted about 5 minutes!

  5. It looks like you're putting great things into your head! I also love the calendar and the mix of reds.

  6. Love your woven-pillow - it's sooo springy looking !!! and the little calendar square - very cooool : )
    Blessings, Sandra AZMtnWoman : )

  7. Love the fabric weaving and the bit of calendar thrown in.
    For a while I could not get enough of Zakka style stuffies, stitching,

  8. Handstories -- I hope so! And, thanks -- the red just had to be used, you know how that happens?

  9. Sandra, thanks -- oh I like hearing that it's springy-looking!! Unfortunately it's going to get cold with rain/snow here. Again. How's AZ?

  10. Marie, thanks and yes, just little bits. I might add more and also want to do some sashiko stitching. Practicing now, have to get the hang of that stitch! Fun to do something different.

  11. Can't wait to see your sashiko stitching !!! love it very much but all I end up doing is the goood ol'running stitch, ha : ) welll, AZ has been playing nice these last couple of days - in the 60's but loooks like we'll be getting another rain/snow storm next week, could be yours ??? today, I am just itching to do some seeed starters like you did last week (?) and seeee what happens : )
    ?-did you gather enough brown onion skins for dyeing ?? I have a bunch - if I can send them to you I'd love to ?? they might get crushed but may be salvedgeable (is that a word ?? ha) ?? : )
    Blessings, Sandra - AZMtnWoman : )
