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Monday, March 14, 2011

prayer cloth moonday

Yesterday was a red sun-day. Thinking and reading so much about Japan. Saw a picture of their flag.

Woven and stitched with hope.

needle in, food
                                 needle out, shelter
                                                                           . . .  in, warm
                                                                                                                      . . . out, safe

Over and over, stitched into a woven sun. Prayer cloth.

Today is moonday with a waxing moon in the watery sign of Cancer, the perfect time to sow seeds. Any seeds -- garden seeds or seeds of hope, it doesn't matter. They will grow well if you plant them today, I'm almost certain.

                                                                                 18 four-packs of newly-sprouted genovese basil

The sign of Cancer rules the lungs and the digestive system. It is a restless time because our emotions come to the forefront now. Things that we've held deep inside seem to find their way out now and that's OK if you remember that sometimes it's better to allow our emotions their space rather than suppress them for the sake of control and normalcy. Think of the stress our bodies hold when we keep it in.

Both bronchial  and digestive issues can be aggravated now but treatments are also more effective at this time. There is a known connection between emotional stress and asthma or indigestion, and many of us have experienced it. I know I have. I guess the best advice here is to allow it but don't go looking for it.

Cancer is a nurturing time when you want to feed people, to hold them, and make them feel warm and safe. And I dearly hope that is being accomplished this very moment.


  1. hopefully, people all over the world are planting seeds of hope. wonderful red sun prayer cloth.

  2. love your prayer cloth.Perfect for stitching on while watching the T.V. and all the hope that's needed.

  3. Helen, thank you. Stitching on it actually makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING. It brings out the best in us, maybe?

  4. Beautiful prayer cloth. I will plant some hope seedlings too. All for Japan - Hugs Nat

  5. Nat, may our seedlings grow and thrive! Thanks, it's sort of what I'm focusing on, sewing-wise, I'm thinking this is the under-layer of something else . . . we'll see.

  6. A prayer cloth is a lovely idea.
    I have been feeling sensitive/saddened for the people
    of Japan...

  7. Your prayer cloth is beautiful, very beautiful.

  8. Marie, it's good therapy, as stitching often is. I know you know that.

  9. I LOVE this cloth and the sentiments behind it. How lovely.


  10. Shishi, thank you. It put itself together and then beckoned me to put the words into it.

  11. a prayer cloth. yes! prayers stitched in. woven through. creating wholeness. this is wonderful!

  12. Thanks, Joe -- yes, wholeness. I love that.

  13. wonderful. stitched prayer, woven prayer. i like this so much. i'm new here, will look around.

  14. Welcome, Velma -- the prayer cloth has been hanging for several days now. Every day I go out to look at it and re-affirm my hope.

  15. Morna, thanks -- I have fallen in love with the idea of the sun being red. Like people, I guess it can be all colors!

  16. I'm new here too. Interesting post; I too like the red woven sun.

  17. stitchinglife, thanks -- the red sun has been sending its hope and love for nearly a month. It's endured wind, snow and rain. And the Japanese people are still enduring.

  18. I love the amount of information you are able to give us so gently. About the sign of cancer. About planting with the moon. About your prayers for Japan.
    The red circle is gorgeous.

  19. Judy, the wind is still carrying red sun's prayers and wishes for the people of Japan to be well and safe. At first I thought red sun would hang outside for maybe a month, but it's gone past that time. I think it's still needed . . . and thank you.
