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Friday, February 11, 2011

magic was afoot

Midnight oil was burned here last night. I've heard of quilters pulling all-nighters and now I get it because magic was afoot . . .

                                                                                                                      an open heart

. . . as the hours grew greater, my stitching went faster while mysteriously the eye of my needle grew smaller.

Right before midnight, slits were cut to weave through the tree branch and an open heart was complete. Wanted to take pictures right then but it was too dark. At least it was until I went to bed when the moon kept me up for half of what was left of the night.

an open heart will be an outdoor hanging for a while. It's rough. The wool backing had to be patched to even be a backing. The strips are woven and quilted wool and written-word cotton.

It is straightforward . . . give and receive.


  1. love this and that it will hang outside. isn't sewing through wool wonderful?

  2. Thanks, Deanna -- oh, it is heaven. Was that your idea to hang them outside? Such a cool thing to do! Feels very daring to put something outside that has so much in it, you know?

  3. This turned out just wonderful!

  4. It looks GREAT! Love it...and yes, it is really cool that we are putting these special pieces out in the air! I love seeing them blowing in the open air!

  5. So beautiful; and I love that the stick/branch is woven in.

  6. Helen, Shishi, Gracie -- thanks for the kind words! Hearts are blowin' in the wind. They're the answer, my friends, blowin' in the wind.

  7. BJ in TX -- thank you very much!

  8. Marie, it was a heart ceremony -- thank you!!
    And the women were there.

  9. wonderful! so much warmth in such a cool grey. i can almost see the heart beating from here...hear it? there is a rhythm inviting the sun and wind to come dance and play!

  10. Thanks, Joe. Yup, I hear it -- and the sun HAS returned to Colorado and is expected to stay for the rest of the week -- yay! I hope it visits you, too.
