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Friday, February 18, 2011

full moon friday

I opened the onion skin bundle that was rolled up on the last full moon. It is just magical to unroll a dye bundle, every single time.

                                                                                                   silk organza dyed with onion skins

The days on and around a full moon are a good time to step back and look at all the goodness in your life. And then celebrate it. As we have a Leo full moon on top of it being a Friday ruled by Venus, this day is empowered with great energy. Its Leo influence makes us more outgoing and generous, and all around just makes the day feel nice and full. The sun enters the sign of Pisces today, too -- Happy Birthday, all you Pisceans!

                                                                                            sew liberated schoolhouse tunic pattern

full moon fancies . . . mostly things I would love to do today and tomorrow
name: boro moon
dye-pot: coffee
feast: I don't cook on Friday nights
book: little princes: one man's promise to bring home the lost children of nepal by Conor Grennan
stitching: patching jeans (in the spirit of boro)
knitting: looking over at Ravelry for a project for 7 hanks of red wool
cutting out: a tunic top
herbs: alkanet & beet root powders for homemade lipsticks
movie: The King's Speech
video: this Jewel YouTube video from last summer -- I just watched it again and it still brings tears to my eyes for some reason and makes me laugh out loud, too . . . it's so great.

I'd love to know what this full moon brings up and out for you?


  1. Woo how did you do that? I want to do it too. I dyed with onion skins before, but the wet eco dyed method. I would like to try your technique. Is there somewhere I can go and read, PLEASE? Hugs Nat

  2. love the variegated colors with the onion skins.
    This full moon found me running around with children and Fridays, I keep meals really simple. Vegetarian
    pizza or something easy.
    My creative energies really flow around the full moon
    and sometimes sleep is an issue, but not this time.
    I have been sleeping like a baby : )
    I dashed to the library and rented Toy
    Story 3, just to make me's the
    little things.

  3. Nat, this is the "magic marbled cloth using onion skins" in Eco Colour. Easiest ever. For the last month I've been saving onion skins to make a dyebath, have a 1/4 oz. and need 4 oz's! It'll be a while...

  4. Marie, thanks -- it turned out well enough that I'm thinking about making another one to use them as sheer curtains. So floaty, you know. This full moon turned out to be sort of hard for me -- all that lion energy, all that fire and feistiness, oh my. Teenagers and Friday nights, definitely the big weekend night. And I love that you watched Toy Story 3!
