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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

all about the light

Today is all about the light -- even lamplight. This shade has a new woven mosaic cover coming its way. A piece with a strip of Rumi cloth woven in and mosaic pieces of lace and dyed silk organza that still need to be stitched down. And to fit the shade, it will need to be enlarged a bit. Or maybe not . . . now what would Brigid do? It is her day, after all.

The increase in light is noticeable -- and joyfully welcomed on Brigid's Day.

Brigid's Day is a time of purification before the change of season -- before Nature's cycles of fertility and new life resume. Between today and tomorrow, it coincides with several other seasonal celebrations -- Imbolc, Candlemas, and the whole groundhog business. I remember as a child being blessed at Candlemas (Catholic) with some candles fastened together in the shape of a "x" placed around my neck. I actually thought for years it was to stave off sore throats. Not too much of any of that stuck except a love of long, white taper candles. And ritual, of course.

Today I will bundle up to go outside to burn some old greenery and dried plant material as a little seasonal purification. And then come back inside to light a white taper as a symbol of my inner light.

And because Brigid is a fire goddess, nourishing Brigid's Soup will be simmered and stirred and tasted and stirred again. As spicy as I dare -- for her fire, you know. And with as many orange and red vegetables as I can find around here without making a trip to the grocery store -- red & orange peppers, carrots, a sweet potato, dried chiles, tomato sauce, and maybe even some frozen cherries . . . it will be hot and red and spicy.

This little light of mine. Will you join me?


  1. your shade is beautiful. love the Rumi cloth woven in.

  2. Thanks, Deanna -- the Rumi cloth is slowly finding a place here & there . . .but I still feel like there's something bigger for it. Wait and see, I guess.

  3. I love learning about Brigid's day and Candlemas...I have always felt groundhog day was rather special in its odd I realize the day is really packed with reasons to celebrate. Thank you!

  4. Your soup "recipe" is giving me ideas for my ritual soup on Imbolc -- and I have all of these: carrots, red peppers, sweet potatoes!

  5. Suzanna -- I'm glad you like it -- yes, these are a couple of very special days -- you almost get to pick and choose what is most meaningful for you, personally!

  6. Jo, it turned out just as I hoped for. Actually, maybe a little better. You've got the makings there. Let me know!

  7. I love your lamp shade, way too cool! I must admit I know nothing about these "days" I must look up on them. You must have had an interesting childhood. I'm such a knowledge junkie, I'm almost shocked I know nothing about these. ha!:) I must retify the situation post haste. Ha!

  8. Thanks, Helen! The Candlemas blessing is a Catholic thing so it wasn't that interesting!! But Brigid's Day, yes, it's one of my favorite holidays now.

  9. beautiful shade, so soft and feminine.
    Thank you for sharing about Brigid's Day!
    : )
    Lovely ceremony <3

  10. Thanks, Marie. I don't want to take it down to work on it, it feels so nice in the room!
    Here's to light in the world!
