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Saturday, January 8, 2011


Finding myself wanting to do a little of this, a little of that . . . puttering, I guess. The first two photos speak for themselves, the last two are something I'm working on for next week -- a line here and a line there.



                             a line here and a line there                                   


  1. Hi Peggy, I've been enjoying your blog. I didn't know you read MaryJane's Farm (saw the magazine in the photo). I have her books and really like them. Are you part of the Sisterhood? Ha, that sounds like a secret society or something.

  2. Kathy, thanks -- not a member of the sisterhood group but subscribe to the magazine to keep my yearning for livestock at bay!

  3. oooooh! a rumi cloth! the imagination flies in loop-tee-loops! it makes sitting in the moment almost impossible... filled with yearning and desire. longing. longing to know. to see. to experience the unfolding of this cloth!


  4. Joe. Yup, that's what I call it, the Rumi cloth -- so many possibilities in this cloth.

  5. oh this is magnificent. have a rumi quote on my blog that has a lot of meaning for me. will have to try this. thanks for the inspiration. i came over from jude's latest online class (cwb).
