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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

an open heart

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."   Anais Nin

an open heart is woven from strips of thrifted and felted woolens. I've always liked red with deep, dark brown. Still figuring out the very top, to weave or not to weave. The wool backing is bulky but its roughness is lovely -- may use a branch to hang it like the Bee did here.

The only cotton fiber in the piece is a written-word strip of muslin with the above quote. Am not sure whether to weave it in or leave it as a long float.

open heart




  1. I love hearts <3
    I think the verse hidden is kind of mysterious and makes you really think : )

  2. Marie, yes, I tend toward that, too. I've noticed that you like them! <3

  3. I especially love the way a moon-flower bud untwists to open. I have had an A. Nin quote taped to my computer monitor for a few years now, "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

  4. i'm loving your woven heart. just in time for valentine's day.

  5. Marilyn, it must be such a relief for the moonflower bud to unfurl into its total self. Why, oh why, then is it so hard for us to do the same?
    And I like that courage quote a lot, too!

  6. Thanks, Deanna! Yes, that's good timing. If I get it finished off, that is!

  7. Visiting old posts here...I remember this one, especially as I have the same quote hanging on my bedroom wall! Love the open heart...a very good thing to remember!

  8. Hi Nancy--a nice quote to begin each day with. That weaving is hanging outside right now....xo
