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Friday, January 28, 2011


lucia moon is finished. For now, anyway. Sometime in the future it will be the centerpiece of the moon quilt.

                                                                                                                                                                   lucia moon

The large blue spruce now holds a candle to honor the return of light. This winter cloth is dear to me. It holds the magic of a beautiful dusk on December 13, St. Lucia's Day, my grandmother's namesake. Like St. Lucia, my Lucia had a glow about her and she fed many people including eight children and forty-something grandchildren.

                                                                                             lucia's homemade pincushion & scissors

Sometimes when I try to sew, I invoke my mother and all my grandmothers in the great beyond and ask for their help. They were expert dressmakers, quilters, knitters, and crocheters -- I'm an intermediate seamstress and knitter at best and don't even know how to crochet beyond a chain stitch.  But I use this pincushion and scissors, their pins & needles & threads, embroidery flosses, buttons, trims, and cloth sometimes. I find it comforting to have and use these things.

And those are the times I can sew.

                                                                                                                              lucia dusk


  1. It's so beautiful - I love the swirls, the little candle, the evocation of trees.
    I too have tools from my Grandmother, and feel she is in my hands when I use them. Such a wonderful way to connect with our ancestor-mothers!

  2. Marilyn- I don't sew;I have a difficult time getting over the procrastination of strengthening a button which is about to fall off, but I love your creative endeavors with cloth. Lucia moon is beautiful.

  3. Jo, thank you! I've had some of the sewing things for quite a while but have only recently begun to feel the Mother/Grandmother energy coming through.

  4. Thank you, Marilyn -- lots of cloth what-iffing/try & seeing going on in this house!

  5. I also have tools and supplies from my grandmothers. I have a chest that my great-great-grandfather made for my GGGrandmother to carry her sewing supplies across the United States in a covered wagon. I take those things out and look at them often. I've used some of her buttons, but I have to tell you, that the needles are so incredibly tiny.... how did they ever sew with them. on some of them I can't even see an eye! But the needles are still sharp and in perfect condition. I don't think they make needles like that anymore.

    ;~) Debi

  6. OH! I forgot to tell you that your cloth in so wonderful. I LOVE the swirls... but I'm a swirl user from wayyyyyyy back. It's one of my personal symbols.


  7. Thanks Dear Debi!

    I loved reading about the sewing treasures from your GGGrandmother. Priceless. And awesome.

    I can't even imagine the ride in a covered wagon, can you? I'd have been whining the whole time.

  8. Your blue spruce quilt is lovely. The needle arts skills that you have inherited from your female ancestors are already abundant, and will just get better and better as you grow older. In large degree because you see where your gifts came from and honor that.

  9. I know what you mean about invoking your mother and grandmothers. My mother could sew and crochet and my grandmothers could sew, crochet and quilt.
    I think of them often when I am stitching.
    Love the colors you have used. Your grandmother sounds like a very special person : )

  10. Julia -- yes, thank you, I feel that happening. Remembering to honor their gifts. There is a greater sense of connection when I identify now as Peggy, daughter of Ann, and granddaughter of Lucia and . . . .

  11. Marie, I like knowing you do the same. Sometimes I feel a circle of women around me, watching, guiding, and happy to be remembered and called upon.
    I had no choice on those colors, they truly happened on their own!

  12. I am smiling because I agree about a circle of women
    around me as I stitch. That is why on my blog title
    I put a bi-line, "where women gather".
    : )
    I love it when magic happens <3
