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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

good vibes coming your way

                                                                                New Moon in Capricorn, 12:00 p.m. MST                          
     good intentions stitched together

                                                                        New Moon in Capricorn 1:00 p.m. MST
good vibes coming your way -- can you feel them yet?

Simply named and so beautiful . . .


  1. Ohhhhhhhh, how beautiful : ) what a wonderful way to start my day - thank you soooo much : ) have to share, yesterday, new mooon day, was a very intense, not tooo positive, but did come thru as a loving, nurturing kind of day, sorrrry, I'm rambling, ha : ) just wanted to share my "new mooon" day experience : ) I like AZ mountainwoman, ha : )
    Blessings, Sandra in AZ

  2. Had a little of that yesterday here, too, but I guess all's well that ends well -- thanks for your kind words, Sandra Mountainwoman!
