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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

avoiding the collared sleeveless jacket

To my chagrin, I am blocking a washcloth. Yes, you read that right. A flower washcloth from Weekend Knitting by Melanie Falick
Dear Knitter,
How could you knit that silly pink washcloth when I've been waiting so long? Why are you avoiding me? I notice how you can't look at me, how you look away when you see me waiting for you here on the rocker by your bed. Are you worried that it won't work out between us? Don't let your past failures hold you back. They were only cotton, for goodness sake, and I'm designer wool. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here on the rocker. You know where to find me.

                                                         Patiently waiting for the situation to improve


  1. I have two scarfs "talking" to me too! : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops!

    Marie, that's too funny -- didn't know anyone else could hear the voices!

  4. this is hysterical!!! and knitting a washcloth? what luxury... i am not a knitter anymore... never was that good anyway...
    you needed the washcloth first anyway, didn't you?

  5. Yeah, right!
    Actually, it's turned out to be too cute to use as a washcloth, so now it's a candlemat instead! Ha.

  6. Your sweater and my ONE sock, with its partially-knitted mate. . . I know the feeling well. For me, I blundered through the directions for knitting that one sock and somehow it turned out rather sock-like. In fact, I love that one sock.

    But the second sock was a different matter, so I had to unravel the foot, and it remains merely a little tube with an expectant foot that I've yet to feel courageous enough again to pick up. . . I even took it to the local yarn shop for help, but the ladies there have all their knitting in their heads (and mine must be clearly denoted on a reference page).

    Maybe I should simply frame that one sock. . .
