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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

lucia moon cloth

how lucia moon began . . .
lucia day morning

lucia day dusk

I wondered how lucia day dusk would affect the cloth. I wanted to honor its beauty and to somehow let the universe know that I "got it" without getting too literal.

lucia moon pinned and ready to stitch.

This is what has unfolded. These are real Colorado blue spruces in the front yard -- most would think they're planted too close together. But then too -- some would think they're perfect. Maybe take that cloud off -- what do you think? 


  1. bright blessings! i love this cloth and the composition just as it is! the cloud adds a wonderful sense of movement in the sky and the blue patches in the snow makes me want to look up and find the clouds that might be creating the those shadows. i also love the trees that close together. it adds depth to the cloth and invites the mind deeper into the story that is unfolding there...

  2. Well, thank you for your kind words, Joe. Blessings your way, too!
