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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


                                                                                                                "all is well"

We are entering the darkest of days here in the Northern Hemisphere. Candlelight is at its best now. I am drawn to light, creamy colors at the very time that all those reds, greens, silvers & golds are being so pushy and trying to have their way with my house. And many of them succeed. But these candles in their creamy cozies calm me. When I light them, all is well.

yule craft: sweater candle cozies

Partially deconstruct an old or thrifted sweater: Cut about 8" off the arms or whatever length you'll need for your container -- figure the height plus half the diameter. This sweater had cuffed arms so the arms were super long. I haven't used the neck piece yet but the body of this sweater will soon be a pillow.

Stitch around the cut edge of the cozy to keep from unraveling. If it doesn't look like it'll unravel, don't bother (that cut edge stays hidden under the bottom of the container anyway).

You are done!

Find a glass cylinder, vase, or jar and pour in a little sand or some dried beans. Snuggle a candle in. Slip the cozy on. Sweater knit s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s and the more it stretches, the more the candlelight will shine through.

You can cuff the top edge.

Or not!

All is well.

Come back tomorrow for a tutorial on making a different version of this little wool tree.

This project was included in Whip Up's latest newsletter here.

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